With the mobile advertising market valued at over $100 Billion this year alone, here’s something every advertiser needs to know: putting in place concrete, accredited metrics to qualify mobile engagement is the only way to ensure investments into mobile advertising can continue and grow. When ads don’t load in a smartphone or are clicked by non-human traffic, brands are not getting a worthy return on their investments.

Recent analysis of over 2.3 billion ad requests conducted by S4M identified key mobile campaign metrics that can help advertisers repurpose significant amounts of ad spend into more meaningful consumer engagements. This analysis uncovered four key metrics that should be crucial in every mobile advertiser’s media plan:

Impressions. Out of the 2.3 billion ad requests we analysed, only 1.61 billion impressions actually fully rendered on mobile devices; 31% of the total impressions were not viewable. This means that advertisers buying based on ad impressions are needlessly misusing 31% of their of their budget. Simply by improving measurement methods to determine when an impression has been fully delivered to the user, advertisers can better allocate their impression-based ad buys.

Genuine clicks. In our analysis, we counted 64.6 million clicks, but after applying our suspicious traffic filtration techniques, we found that only 47.6 million of these clicks were genuine; 26% of the total clicks were considered suspicious or fraudulent. For marketers, fraud is inevitable but by insisting on paying for only valid clicks, they can repurpose 26% of their existing mobile ad spend.

Landing page arrivals. Of all the users who actually clicked on an ad, 48% never arrived on the mobile landing page. In order for post-click metrics to provide true insight as to their value, marketers should simply count only true landing page arrivals and repurpose 48% of their current mobile ad spend.

Active App Installs. Likewise, of all the users who clicked to install an app, 66% of the apps were never opened. Measuring active app installs is the most efficient way to qualify mobile engagements and determine successful user acquisition from a mobile advertising campaign.

These all-too-common measurement pitfalls can be alleviated by adhering to a single high industry standard of measurement. The mobile advertising industry must collectively set clear, industry-wide benchmarks for delivering and measuring the mobile advertisements it serves to consumers.

A key way that advertisers can ensure transparent metrics and eliminate discrepancies is to partner with accredited technology platforms that have been audited by industry regulatory bodies such as the Media Rating Council (MRC). Doing so will weed out irrelevant metrics in the industry and continue the rising investments for mobile advertising. By counting with concrete metrics, advertisers also reduce the number of poorly rendered ads delievered and improve the quality of the entire industry. At the end of the day, end users will benefit with better experiences and advertisers can combat ad blocker adoption.

Mobile is at the heart of everything - social, search, TV/video visual media, music and shopping. It’s a personal device that is ‘always on’ and goes wherever the user goes. Mobile devices are no less than an extension of the individual who owns the device. Thus, they can tell us a lot about each user, their habits, their likes/dislikes, even their location. All of this is incredibly useful information for advertisers wishing to reach consumers, but in order to ensure that brand messages are truly reaching the right people and resonating with them, they must put stringent measurement practices into place.

By partnering with technologies that have MRC accreditations can help advertisers ensure true mobile engagements for advertisers. Most importantly, MRC accredited metrics ensure that advertisers are really only paying for what they get.


By Christophe Collet, Founder & CEO, S4M

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