- 5 October 2015, 12:00 in Video
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5G will advance all of society as we know it
“2020 is the year of 5G.” How many times have we heard that...
How empathy, ahead of tech, will be the key driver of business recovery post-coronavirus
With organisations across the world beginning to show the first signs of emerging...
Automation: a faceless route to customer alienation or a productivity driver?
Phill Midwinter, chief technology officer for AI and ML organisation Third Foundation, says:Industries...
The importance of data collaboration for marketers
Data is everywhere. We collect so much of it that it’s become near...
Post-lockdown – planning for your business’ road to recovery
As lockdown restrictions ease and businesses begin to open their doors once more,...
The 4Ps plus purpose are the key to thriving in the 2020s
A new decade – one currently on pause, of course – but one...
Join today’s data privacy and cyber security virtual event
Monday marked the 2nd anniversary of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)....
Behavioural change, nudge theory and ultimate benefit – why isn’t the trial COVID tracking app harnessing the best in tech?
Let me state this right from the start. My issues with the new...
Turning Global Data Protection Into Global Opportunity
When GDPR came into effect in 2018, many predicted difficult times and a...
Weathering the storm: How cloud technology can help marketers to succeed remotely
Weathering the storm: How cloud technology can help marketers to succeed remotely
For the most part, cloud-based computing has made its way into almost every business in some shape or form. Most marketers probably use a cloud-based service at work every day - be it for storage, communication, video conferencing or logging on to their company’s server.
Data Legislation Education: Businesses Must Boost Knowledge
When it comes to data, privacy and security should be of paramount importance...
Are you a digital polluter? Why advertisers must now end online waste in order to survive
The current web ecosystem is in the midst of evolving to meet consumers...
Three key questions businesses should ask themselves before investing in AI tech
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and automation are all buzzwords which are...
Hidden stakeholders: Why CISOs hold the key to successful digital transformation
Digital transformation is now omnipresent. Companies are rapidly modernising their infrastructures and processes to...
The IAB Europe Guide to Cookies: Privacy Promises Should Do More Than Crumble
The IAB Europe recently published a guide called ‘Guide to the Post Third-Party...