The amazing thing about Integrated Live is that there really are so many amazing people giving the best advice out there in the marketing world. Even as someone working on the event, I spend my days in the run-up looking at which presentations I really want to see. I can't imagine what it's like for you!

That's why we're spending the next few weeks doing quickfire interviews with as many of the speakers as we can to give you a little insight into who they are, what they do and what they're going to be talking about at Integrated Live.

For this morning's interview, I caught up with Damien Bennett, head of strategy at NMPi.

What area of marketing do you specialise in?

Digital marketing, specifically PPC, programmatic display, paid social and analytics.

How long have you been with the company?

Three and a half years.

How long have you been in marketing?

Eight years.

Why do you do what you do?

I genuinely love that there is always something new to learn, and that the advancement of technology means we can always improve on the work that we have previously delivered.

Which marketing platform do you use the most (and it can't be your own!)?

We do mostly paid advertising so DoubleClick is crucial for us to be able to deliver great work.

If you could only use one marketing platform for the rest of your life, what would it be (and you can't use your own!)?

Although I enjoy using DoubleClick, if I had to use a platform for the rest of my life I would probably go for a market analysis tool such as Hitwise or Similarweb, that way at least there are always new things to explore and learn about!

What is your favourite thing about marketing?

I enjoy the creative element. At the core of great marketing will always be great creative.

Is content still king?

You could run the best media campaign in the world, but if the creative is poor it won't work. Content will always be king, but now more than ever it had a great court to support it in data and technology.

In a sentence, what's your presentation about?

My presentation will explore the tactics that digital advertisers are using to maximise their marketing budget in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.


You can find Damien's presentation on maximising your marketing budget in the Engagement & Experiential Theatre at 2:30pm at Integrated Live on 16 November, but you'll have to register for your free ticket first:

Eventbrite - Integrated Live

By Jonathan Davies, editor, Digital Marketing Magazine

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